The BSE Sensex rose 0.5 percent early on Wednesday as investors remained bullish ahead of major earnings in the next few sessions, with sentiment boosted by firmer asia market news and overnight gains on Wall Street.
Energy major Reliance Industries(RELI.BO) and construction conglomerate Larsen & Toubro(LART.BO) led the gains, with metal firms and auto stocks also advancing.
"The undertone in the market is fairly bullish. There is no major negative cues, and people are in no hurry to get out. We are waiting for the major results," said Gajendra Nagpal, chief executive at Unicon Financial.
By 10:51 a.m. (0521 GMT), the 30-share BSE index was trading up 0.45 percent at 17,958.00 points, with 23 of its components gaining. The index had risen as much as 0.6 percent early and was trading in a narrow range.