If you are an investor in the stock market, you cannot take wise buying and selling decisions without going through Market Statistics. It is a volatile market that has been prevailing for nearing one and a half year. The sensex index and nifty are all about ebb and flow. Even in such a volatile situation, there are many who are able to swim smoothly. This winning gentry comprises of all those who stay updated with the up-to-the-minute market statistics, sensex index and nifty performances besides conducting research and using investing tools like stock technical analysis, fundamental analysis, etc.
Novice investors only panic every time the market goes down. As per the latest market statistics (7th February), sensex index closed at 17,621.45, down 85.86 points or 0.48% and nifty stocks at 5,335.15, down 26.50 points or 0.49%. During the morning trade, the indices opened on a positive note. The sensex index and Nifty, both exhibited uptrend. Novice investors fall easy victims to all stock quotes in India. As they are hardly familiar with the choosing dynamics, they cannot distinguish which stock quotes in India are lucrative and which are not. Visit the business section of a reliable news portal for taking wise decisions.