Guys...i am a victim of many of you. I have been a regular investor of the
Stock Market India and I have, no doubt gained a lot, earning in lakhs. But the last few weeks' money market in bad shape, especially of
BSE Sensex going down, I have equally lost an equal amount.
The condition of S

tock Market India has been going down...thanks all to God...during last few days,
india sensex is gaining ground again. Our government is doing a great job unlike other low money market situations witnessed in USA and other developed countries. With the stock price, especially of BSE Sensex, going down the graph, most investors like me are worried whether to invest or not in the money market. Maybe it will take time. Hey guys, will you please share your experiences so that we together find better solutions and get advices as to how to invest in Indian Stock Market and see our money grow.
Hope, you respond...your valuable suggestions will really motivate my spirits in this period of recession. I might find better ways through your expert advice to invest and bring my financial position to the normal!